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Silhouette Tufting Circular Rug

Jaime Hayon

The hand-tufted technique allows you to literally transfer the work of artist and designer Jaime Hayon, being the closest thing to creating from a blank canvas.

When you look closely at this collection, you discover 9 intertwined faces. A subtle proposal that enhances the imagination and fits into any space.

In this version, the rug is presented in a circular shape.

Regular price
Regular price
Sale price
Ø 200 cm
Ø 200 cm Delivery on
Sample 18x18 cm
Delivery on


Due to the unevenness of hand-spun Afghan wool yarn, dye absorption and color may vary slightly on the same rug.

In the case of the hammock, to ensure correct installation, you must follow the assembly instructions and use the complete installation kit (both included). The maximum recommended weight is 100 kg.

In the case of the tapestry, due to the handmade nature of the product. Each tapestry is a unique piece. Does not include wall fixing kit.

Fibra: 100% New wool

Alto total: 14mm

Técnica: Hand tufted

Densidad: 56,000 tufts/m2


Heritage craft preservation

Local and vegetal fibers

Use of recycled materials

Ensure sustainable practices

We support local communities

Indoor air quality proven


Oblique collection

The Oblique collection, designed by Matthew Hilton, is based on the elegance of simplicity with sober graphics and colors that bring us closer to the earth.

For the design of this collection, the British creator Matthew Hilton captures the most contemporary conceptualization of the tradition of overlaying rugs. This proposal is achieved through the juxtaposition of oblique figures in different positions, resulting in a geometrical finesse to add monochromatic volumes to its surroundings.

See the Oblique collection