
We will be happy to help you.

You can contact us by phone, email or through our contact form.

Choose who you are:

  • Showroom Barcelona

    Showroom Barcelona

    Rosselló, 256 / Av. Diagonal
    08037 Barcelona, España
    T. +34 934 871 606

  • NY Showroom

    NY Showroom

    907 Broadway, 2nd Floor
    New York, NY 10010 (USA)
    T. +1 646-701-7058

  • Barcelona Offices

    Barcelona Offices

    Església, 10 3º D

    08024 Barcelona, España

    T. +34 932 376 465

Personalized Consultation

You can also take advantage of our Rug Expert service.

Book the date and time that best suits you for a virtual call with Eduard, our rug expert. He will assist you with all your questions, from decoration tips and choosing the best technique or fiber for your space to cleaning and maintenance advice for your rug.